14 July 2005

why settle for copper?

i have often wondered about where we would be if keith green hadn't have died at an early age or if some of the other people God had used mightily would have lived longer. God responded to me last time and told me to "shut up. don't think about that. I took them when it was time for them to go." He went on to say: "I took them so that people would refocus on me. These were My servants and they were pointing to Me, but many people were only coming to see what I would do through them. They weren't coming to Me for Me." "Besides," He told me, "they were miserable down there with y'all anyway, because I was their all-consuming Treasure."

it is in the human nature to have or desire to have a place to be able to lay their heads, a place to call their own, and a place to store their valuables- their treasures. i don't believe that it is possible to feel fully at home while on earth. while we were created for this earth, our home is found with God. when He walked this earth with adam and eve, they felt at home. because their Treasure walked with them and they knew nothing else. not because of ignorance, but because He was their all-consuming treasure. He was all they needed. but now, because of the fall of man, and the seperation of man from God, we do not feel at home. it is that desire to have a home to be with our Treasure that we need to find our home in Him. it is the ignorant who settle for copper when they could have gold.

for the world-wide renown of His sovereign glory...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

After reading your post this morning, I spent some time thinking and praying about this "home sick" concept and God being my Treasure.

Matthew 6:21, "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." I kept re-reading that passage of scripture and it took on an entirely new meaning for me when I replaced the word "treasure" with "God". "For where your God is, there your heart will be also." That really spoke to me. If my God is truly the one I have made a decision to give my heart and life to...then how could I be anything BUT homesick for Him? My heart is constantly longing to be with my God.

But...on the other side of that, if my heart is else where, I can follow the path back to something that I have set up as a "god" in my life. If my heart longs and desires to be apart from my creator and my father, then maybe it is because I have taken my creator and my father off the throne of my life.