15 July 2005

in spirit and in truth

as i was preparing to put my grill on my profile, i was listening to the song "spirit and truth" by aaron crider while scanning through hundreds of photos for one with my face. but the words of the song made me think about the photo at the right. how the people of the third world don't have much, but when they grab a hold of God, they hold on because He is their all-consuming Treasure. they don't have much in the way of possessions, and there aren't many preachers there preaching to them a prosperity gospel. they hold on to Jesus for the sake of being with Jesus.

that's where i want to find myself. that's the whole purpose of my last few posts. i want to find my home in Him. i want the place to lay my head to be His breast. i want people to see that my all-consuming Treasure, the only "Thing" worth holding onto, is Him and only Him.

thank you dennae for "pushing" me deeper. your salt makes me thirsty.

for the world-wide renown of His sovereign glory...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

David, Thank you. The mental picture of Christ being my "Treasure" has impacted me greatly. It is evident that Christ is your consuming Treasure.