28 July 2005

the raw reality of sincerity

to those of you who read check this blog on a daily basis, i apologize. i've been dealing with issues of the heart lately. you see, what i am writing isn't something i'm reading in some book somewhere, or something i'm hearing from some evangelist. it's raw, it's real. and for me to pass on to you what God is doing in me, i have to do it.

i was talking to chris some time ago and she asked me about our little blogging community and how God is showing us all awesome things. i think it is amazing what God is doing across the country. i think our little community is a small sample of what God is actually up to all around the world today. sure, on the broad scale it's tiny, but it's sincere. iron sharpens iron, we need to challenge each other to sharpen each other. we need to push each other to deeper depths, and healthier lives.

there are times where i feel like i stand naked, exposed before my God- and i am ashamed. i am a man of unclean lips before a holy God. my soul lies bare and the roughness of its edges are showing for all who have eyes to see. "God," my spirit cries out, "take the coal, cleanse my lips! don't leave me here!"

we, as a culture, as a nation, as a church stand before the holiness of God and treat it with contempt at best. we try to walk with one hand holding the hand of God and the other holding onto the hand of the devil. "he who is not for Me, is against Me." in other words, "he who is apathetic and stands for nothing, is against Me because I stand for justice and love and purity and holiness..."

what do we stand for? freedom? from what? to what? for what? salvation? from what? to what? for what? grace? from what? to what? for what?

we were not made to find satisfaction in anything less than God and His holiness. why do we think we can settle for anything less?

the death of an organization

(this is not about anyone experience of my own. be it made known to any and all who read this, i am not refering to the organization i have recently resigned from. it is based on observations of the deaths of many well-intentioned organizations.) it all started with a conflict of interests. it was so small and miniscule that no one could even know that it happened if they were not searching for it. a compromise was reached, not between two individuals, but in the mind of one individual. the individual (consciously or subconsciously) seeks to institute their compromise (malicious or not) and because of their position or stature or financial background no one stands against them. no one dares to question if it is God's vision. soon, all sorts of things begin to happen. soon larger and more visible rifts begin to occur all because of a seemingly minor compromise in the foundation. if the leader is not careful, they will soon steer the organization into the ground and successfully destroy what had started out as a ministry to others and turned into a service to hubris. one compromise. that's all it takes to make a ministry fold up and die.

my heart echoes the cry of moses, "Lord, if You do not go with us, do not take us up from here..." (exodus 33:15)

1 comment:

thankful4adoption.blogspot.com said...

it is amazing to me what God is doing as well...the way God weaves people in and out of each others lives...sometimes for the sole purpose of "sharpening" each other. I agree, it is so important to be pushing eachother to deeper depths and healthier lives. How effective would an army of wounded soldiers be? Any chance we have to enable our warriors fighting by our side to get well or fight harder and stronger we need to take. How can we truly be serving our King if we don't share a common love and concern for those fighting on His side.