26 June 2005

the pages of history

every so often one can almost hear the faint scratching of an ancient quill on parchment; the smell of fresh pigment wafts on the breeze caused by the turning of the pages of history.

personal events are recorded in our memories and catalogued along with major world events.

for instance, september 11, 2004 the world trade centers were attacked by terrorists was also my first day of work on a new job. december 26, 2004 a tsunami claimed the lives of more than 540,000 people in a matter of seconds in south east asia. it was also the day i preached an incredibly long sermon to a large crowd in mkuranga region in tanzania where nearly 30 people got saved, 12 people were healed from diseases and sicknesses, 22 people were filled with the Holy Spirit, and many christian workers came forward to rededicate their lives to Christ.

i remember where i was and what i was doing when the dc sniper attacks were happening. i was in ashland, va where the second- to-last victim was shot outside a ponderosa- i was working at calvary pentecostal campground, less than five miles away.

i can still feel the breeze from the most recent page turning and I am sure that the Divine Author of my life story is finishing off one chapter and preparing to start another one.

why am i so sure?

i am confident in this because in seven days, i am returning to america from tanzania, east africa to work for a few months before heading to FIRE school of ministry in concord, north carolina to finish my ministry degree.

not all personal events correspond with major news events.

for instance, the day i was saved, october 29, 1998, holds no major news events, yet it is literally the turning point in my life.

perhaps it is not personal events that are catalogued with major world events, but major world events that are catalogued according to personal events...

whatever it is, we can be assured that the Author of history is hard at work, writing and weaving all our stories together to bring glory and honor to His name...

for the world-wide renown of His sovereign glory...

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