30 June 2005

looking over the edge

we stand poised at the edge of the great precipice that divides what is past and what is yet to come. with eyes focused on what is unseen, we will finally accomplish that service the Great Redeemer has entrusted to us, the complete renown of His sovereign glory. that awesome task, that, unfortunately, has taken two millennia too long, will be accomplished by a terminal generation that will grasp only for what is unseen and will choose to not be content to retreat into the pleasures and the comforts established by generations past. Will this generation arise now? only history can tell us, only God can foreknow it, only the Spirit can guide us, and only we can desire it.

but why? why does a line have to be line drawn in the sand? why do we have to desire to step over the edge? why do we have to be the ones who have to walk off the edge of the cliff? why do we have to be watchful and mindful of every subconscious action?

let me tell you why. the answer is that our perspective is skewed. what we see one way is not how God, Himself sees it. we look at it like we’re stepping off the cliff; God sees it as we’re stepping onto the cliff from flying around, unsafely, on our own. the line must be drawn for people to take sides. “He who is not for Me is against Me,” Jesus said. if we do not stand with Jesus on His side of the line, and not because it is popular, because in a popularity contest, Jesus loses, we will be cut off. yet again, the popularity contest is skewed, because we are focused on what we can see and not what is unseen.

for the world-wide renown of His sovereign glory...

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