07 September 2005

[learning experiences: a quarter century of closed doors, poor decisions and burned bridges]

ok, so it's not anywhere near my 25th birthday yet, but it sounded good in the title line...

yeah, so i was reflecting on my life this morning (at 3:52 a.m.) and i saw a pattern emerge. a pattern that i don't really think i like and one that i don't want the next quarter century to be filled with.

it's easy to write of missed chances, bad choices and wrong roads taken (two roads diverged in a yellow wood, and i- i took the one most traveled by...), well for me it is, i guess. it's easy to talk of them and reminice (yeah, so i spelt it wrong, who cares?) on how i felt when those choices were made and sometimes it's a tough pill to swallow to see how those decisions have affected who i am today.

what makes us better is when we acknowledge our errors, get back up off the ground, brush ourselves off and move on. i am as close to being who i was yesterday as i am to who i was 5 years ago.

all i know is that what i'm doing right now, this taking care of business, is what it will take to cool the burning bridges, to cover the closed doors and to pave the way for better decisions.

i know this too... i know that where i am is not where i want to be. i know that where i plan to be soon is not my final destination and what i am doing is not what i want to do with my life.

i know this as well... i know that, like simon birch, God has a plan for me, and that even if it means i die early (actually, it would be right on time), then i will have done something for Him. some how, in some way or another, my life will touch others. and it will be greater than it has already. these hands belong to david joseph huffman, and one day they will touch millions. these feet belong to david joseph huffman, and one day they will walk in nations. these lips belong to david joseph huffman, and one day they will speak to a generation.

yes, my name is david joseph huffman, and i've filled a quarter century with mistakes. but the next few years don't belong to me, they belong to God and are for Him to write the story.

two roads diverge in a yellow wood, and i- i choose the one God travels by.

[for the world-wide renown of His sovereign glory...]

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